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Monday, September 6, 2010

More Wildlife Activity at Thornton Creek Park #6

Racoons and Woodducks swimming in Thornton Creek Park #6 Wetland
photo credit-Don MacCall

Thornton Creek Park #6 is a "Hub" for urban wildlife encounters, just as Northgate itself is a hub nowadays for people.

It's almost like other wildlife say to the beavers "if you build it we will come".  I stopped by for a look today and noticed how the light has changed around this pond, because the beavers have taken down many trees in their "building" activities.  They have transformed this site into a wildlife haven.

A Northwest Indian legend from the Haida people once said...."beavers taught the salmon how to jump". Maybe they also taught some other critters how to use their habitat.
This site is Martinez It is a blog advocating for protecting beaver dams and habitat  for the benefit of fish and other wildlife.

Below is an update on the creature count at Park #6 from Ruth Williams and Don MacCall of TCA.
Young Beaver swimming at Park #6 Beaver Pond

"Ragged Dragonfly"-photo credit Don MacCall

Here are the latest photographs and sightings from Park Six.

Beavers:  They are building a new dam a little downstream of the existing
one.  Half-grown beavers are becoming a common sight.  They are nibbling on
trees, including the big cottonwood, in the SW corner of the pond that will
take down overhead wires whenever a tree finally falls.

Wood Ducks:  They are finally back after their stark summer-long absence,
and in considerable abundance.  They are now in their non-breeding plumage.
The picture that shows raccoons and Wood Ducks has a juvenile Wood Duck to
the right.

At the July work party one volunteer noted several species of dragonflies
over the pond, I spotted a muskrat, in about 1.5 hours we saw 3 adult and 7
baby raccoons.

New beaver dam at Thornton Creek Park # 6
photo credit-Don MacCall

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