Another great new blog, this time on Preservation in the Seattle Area, called MAin2A fascinating collection of articles right of the bat. Very much related to issues we are facing in the Shoreline Area.
We can't really separate ourselves from Seattle History, even if we wanted to. Oh wait, if we allow the School District and City to allow all of our historic treasures to be damaged, destroyed, rezoned or forgotten, maybe we can separate ourselves for Seattle and all of our history too!
Here's an important quote from the State Department of Archeology( Department of Commerce).
"Protect the past, shape the Future."Preservation in the News: Why Historic Community Centers MatterPublished January 15, 2010 Preservation in the News Leave a Comment
Washington Hall - important community gathering place / Photo: Eugenia Woo
Larry Kreisman writes eloquently about the value of community gathering spaces in the January 10th issue of Pacific Northwest Magazine.
We’ve all heard of “Most Endangered Historic Places” but “Least Endangered Historic Places?” Read Feliks Banel’s piece on the benefits of preservation and good stewardship of historic buildings in
MAin2 and the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation Blog both received nice shout outs in Crosscut this week.
Washington Trust Featured in Evening Magazine
Published January 14, 2010 Preservation in the News 1 Comment
Stimson-Green Mansion / Photo: Eugenia Woo
The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation was featured in “Evening Magazine” this week! The segment was filmed at the Trust’s beautiful Stimson-Green Mansion on First Hill and at two sites in Seattle–Washington Hall (owned by Historic Seattle) and the UW Nuclear Reactor Building (an endangered property). Field Director Chris Moore was interviewed in front of these sites and spoke to the significance of the diversity of cultural resources around the state and what they mean in our communities. Watch the video online.
Hello Blogosphere!
Published January 8, 2010 Uncategorized 3 Comments
Ca. 1930s Seattle Chamber of Commerce promotional pamphlet / Collection of Eugenia Woo
Historic Seattle finally enters the blogging world through MAin2. The name draws inspiration from an old Seattle telephone exchange name—MAin. Telephone exchange names were used over fifty years ago when the all-numeric phone number we know today didn’t exist. Downtown phone numbers started with “MA.” Ballard was “SU” or SUnset; West Seattle was “WE” or WEst; and Capitol Hill was “EA” or EAst. Our telephone number is 622-6952, or MA2-6952. Hence, MAin2.
MAin2 strives to become the pulse on preservation in Seattle and around Puget Sound. Whether you’re a preservation professional, a grassroots activist, a history or architecture buff, or someone interested in creating livable and sustainable communities, here’s your chance to tell us about what’s important in your community. Submit your blog entry and we’ll consider posting it.
Welcome to MAin2!
Preservation in the News: “Best, Most and Worst”Published January 8, 2010 Preservation in the News Leave a Comment
Historic Seattle in the News
Historic Seattle ended 2009 on a high note with nice local media coverage. The November 2009 issue of Seattle Magazine named Executive Director Kathleen Brooker as one of Seattle’s Most Influential People of 2009.
In December 2009, Seattle Magazine took notice of two Historic Seattle projects, Washington Hall and the Carmack House, in its “Best of 2009” listing under “Architecture.”
NW Focus, produced by KWPX TV, is a public affairs program dedicated to the issues in and around the northwest community. NW Focus recently interviewed Executive Director Kathleen Brooker about Historic Seattle. View the video online; choose video with title: NW Focus: Historic Seattle. Continue reading ‘Preservation in the News: “Best, Most and Worst”’
Evolution of a Building in Pioneer Square: The Furuya Building
Published January 8, 2010 Pioneer Square Buildings 5 Comments
Images: left – Furuya Building in January 2010 / Photo: Eugenia Woo; right – Furuya Building in 2007 / Photo: Artifacts Consulting.
The Furuya Building, located on the northeast corner of Second Avenue South and South Main Street in Pioneer Square, is the Cinderella of historic structures in Seattle. The recent removal of scaffolding that had masked the building for much of 2009 has revealed a beautiful Romanesque Revival style building. A once homely but solid masonry edifice has been transformed into an architectural gem in Seattle’s first commercial district. But its appearance in 2010 is much like it was in the early 1900s because the building has undergone a substantial rehabilitation. Originally constructed in 1900 as a two-story plus basement substation, three stories were added in ca. 1905. The upper two stories were removed after the April 13, 1949 earthquake struck Puget Sound. The two upper stories have now been reconstructed. Continue reading ‘Evolution of a Building in Pioneer Square: The Furuya Building’
2010 Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund
Published January 8, 2010 Grants Leave a Comment
2007 grant recipient - Seattle Vineyard Christian Fellowship Church / Photo courtesy of the church
The Washington Trust for Historic Preservation has announced that grant applications for the 2010 Valerie Sivinski Washington Preserves Fund are being accepted. Established in 1997, the program has awarded 62 projects totaling over $51,000 in funding to local historic preservation organizations and advocates engaged in the important work of preserving Washington’s cultural heritage. Additional information can be found on the Washington Trust’s website. The deadline to apply is February 16, 2010.
What is this? Architectural Feature Quiz No. 1
Published January 8, 2010 What is This? Leave a Comment
What is this? / Photo: Eugenia Woo
A building, like the human body, is made up of different parts that have specific names. A window is not just a window, but there many different kinds of windows—double hung, casement, pivot, awning, hopper, sliding, etc. And you can break down a window into different components and each has a name too. The goal of “What is this?” is to help you discover ways of describing the buildings that are around us. If nothing else, you’ll be able to impress (or bore?) friends and family with your new knowledge of archi-speak. Ok, onto our first architectural feature! Continue reading ‘What is this? Architectural Feature Quiz No. 1′
What Not to Do: Bad Things Can Happen to Good Buildings
Published January 8, 2010 What Not to Do 6 Comments
Somewhere on Queen Anne / Photo: Historic Seattle
We’ve all seen those home improvement and design shows on cable tv that depict transformations of drab, boring houses or apartments into fabulous newly redesigned spaces. Instead of showing you what to do, we’re going to show you what not to do. In preservation, there’s something called “integrity,” which refers to the measure of authenticity of a property’s historic character. A building with no or few alterations has high integrity. A building that has been altered significantly has little integrity. Talk of integrity comes into play when evaluating a building for local, state, or national register listing. But in everyday life, we’re looking at curb appeal (or lack thereof) and gut reactions. Continue reading ‘What Not to Do: Bad Things Can Happen to Good Buildings’
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