Count Down to
4 Weeks to
Opening Night
Each week leading up to SolarFest we are
focusing on some special features
you can look forward to
Keynote Speaker:
Marceloda Luz
On June 12th, 2008 the epic
journey began by the shores of the Great Lakes.
The power of one (XOF1) solar car reached
the Arctic Circle just 46 days later, breaking the
worlddistance record for a solar car.
Hear about thisadventure and meet the
maestro of this journey
Marcelo da Luz in “Solar Goes a Long Way”-
The Power of One Solar Car Project Marcelo’s motto is: “the only thing between
you and your dreams is yourself”
Marcelo da Luz was born in Brazil where
he attended public schools, and vividly
remembers a teacher explaining that pollution
was the price of progress.
At a young age, Marcelo believed that
progress should be defined by improvement
in quality of life for not just present
generations but for those who would
come after.
XOF1’s motto is: “Inspired by the sun,
motivated by the environment.”
Friday July 16th, 7PM Shoreline Community
College Theatre suggested donation to this event $10
SolarFest! Saturday July 17th
10am – 8pm
Featured Speaker:

Cecile Andrews is the
author of Slow Is Beautiful:
New Visions of Community,
Leisure and Joie de Vivre
(New Society Publishers,
and The Circle of Simplicity: Return
to the Good Life(HarperCollins, 1997).
A former community college administrator,
Cecile has been a visiting scholar at Stanford
University and affiliated scholar at Seattle University.
She is founderof the Phinney Ecovillage in Seattle.
Her work has been featured in the PBS video
"Escape from Affluenza" and the TBS video
"Consumed by Consumption" (featuring
Cecile, Ed Begley Jr., and Phyllis Diller), CBSNews
"Eye on America", New York Times,
Los Angeles Times, Esquire,
and various PBS and NPR programs. Cecile
received her doctorate in education at Stanford
University and gives workshops and presentations;
she has written a column for the Seattle Times; and
she has co-hosted a local NPR program. Cecile will be speaking on Gross National
Happiness and says, “Most of the ills our society
can be traced to our beliefs about money and
happiness. Americans think that if we’re rich
we’ll be happy, so making money has become
our national goal. But this goal not only does
not deliver happiness, it destroys the planet.
How can we change this? A new campaign for
a Gross National Happiness standard is catching
fire. Join us to explore what true happiness is and
learn how we can influence national policies for
the wellbeing of people and the planet.”
Fair Feature
Electronic Waste Recycling Bring your e-waste to the Fair. You will be able to
pull your car up and unload your items. Look for the
signs as you enter the main gate. Recycle your Computers, Monitors, TV's, Laptops
and Cell phones for FREE! All other electronics up to and including Microwaves.
(DVD/CD players, Desktop printers/scanners etc),
are $5 to $10, depending on the size. (No large appliances, stoves, refrigerators etc.) Services will be provided by:
Featured Exhibitor: Solar Energy International was founded in
1991 as a non-profit educational organization. Through our Renewable Energy Education
Program (REEP), SEI offers hands-on workshops
and online courses in solar PV, wind, micro-hydro,
solar hot water and natural home building. SEI works cooperatively with grassroots and
development organizations in the Americas, Africa,
Micronesia and the Caribbean. SEI staff has delivered
services to the Pan American Health Organizations,
Non-Governmental development organizations
(NGOs), foreign, national and state governments,
universities and individuals seeking the benefits
of renewable energy.
Featured Sponsor:

As a community partner
is a proud sponsor of
SolarFest. CleanScapes is the waste management
serviceprovider for the City of Shoreline and
many parts of Seattle.
Mission: To enhance the commercial and
residential viability of cities by partnering to
deliver innovative and efficient StreetScape
management services and effective waste
reduction, diversion and collection programs
for cleaner, safer, and more sustainable cities.
At the core: CleanScapes believes that social
entrepreneurship can work to alleviate many of
the fundamental problems generated by the lack
of resources for basic government services. By
filling this gap, we make the communities in which
we operate cleaner, safer and more attractive for
Furthermore, CleanScapes believes that they can
be profitable while creating a seamless transition
and support a network designed to return at-risk
populations to the local workforce and to the
benefitof the neighborhood. CleanScapes views their
business success as a way to further benefit the
communities in which they operate
What they are providing to this event:
is providing containers for each of the food vendors
at “Taste of Shoreline” during SolarFest so
attendeescan deposit left over food and compostable
plates and utensils. The compostable waste will be
sent to Cedar Grove and turned into compost for
use in private and commercial gardens. They are also providing signage so attendees can
discern which container is appropriate for
recyclables, for compostable material and for waste.
Web-based learning in E-learning development does offer many advantages and
ReplyDeletethru digital collaboration, the mode of learning becomes more faster and easier than before.